Infographics: Visual Storytelling
Just what exactly is an infographic? According to visual journalist, educator, and author, Alberto Cairo, "an infographic is basically visual representation of evidence, a visual representation of information of many different kinds of information" (Malamed, C., 2021). Infographics allow the human brain to extract patterns and make better sense of data through the use of a well created visual. And as Diana Laufenberg, a public school social studies teacher, shares "Infographics work in the classroom because they grab students an allow an entry point to learning--and because they sum up pages and pages, even chapters of information that would take a reader hours to process" (Schulten, K., 2010). Infographics are a great source of gathering data and information through visual storytelling and we should not only provide students with infographics but allow them the opportunity to learn how to create their very own. The following webapps are great sources for creating i...