
Showing posts from April, 2023

UDL for the WIN!

For Starters...What Exactly is UDL? UDL stands for Universal Design for Learning and is defined by the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) as a "framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all the people based on scientific insights into how humans learn" (Robinson, D. E., 2017). The goal of UDL is to minimize barriers to improve and maximize learning for all diverse learners. UDL is founded on three guiding principles: Engagement , the " WHY " of learning, Action & Expression , the " HOW " of learning, and  Representation , the " WHAT " of learning. The CAST website provides excellent resources that further explain the UDL framework .  Are You Already Using Some of the Guiding Principles in Your Classroom? While UDL may seem like a new concept to you, odds are you are most likely already incorporating some aspect of UDL into your classroom. I personally find that while I am already implementing some aspects of each o